Friday, February 26, 2010

Before and After

So there I was minding my own business one day when this terrific line of fabric arrived…I had to use it but what pattern!!  Then I remembered a pattern from Atkinson Design that I really wanted to try… 

So here is the BEFORE


And here is the AFTER


Fire Escape by Atkinson Designs is a great pattern for fun prints that you really want to see!

Until next time….be well!


If you sew it it will come!

I figure if I keep sewing projects for the warmer's bound to happen! Right? So I've been working my way towards summer with some very cute patterns from Briarwood Cottage. You saw the first earlier this month (Valentine runner). For March this fun pinwheel quilt with yo-yo centers! Which brings up something I've learned about myself....yes, I admit it I'm yo-yo challenged. No matter what I could not get my yo-yo to look quite right. But after much persuasion (grrrrr) I have applied them to the quilt and moved on!!
The April project is a pink bunny (or a cute pig with long ears if you don't have the cotton tail on yet!) sitting between two easter baskets. Where is the photo you ask...apparently I forgot to take that picture, but I'll do my best tomorrow.
So think spring or sunshine even!!
be well,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mother Nature

I love my Christmas wreaths...I love them so much I
leave them up well into the new year. But I figure the "red"
bow is good for Valentines Day and the "green" wreath
is good for St. Patricks Day right?!

Then driving home the other day I spotted other things
on front doors and thought maybe it was time to take
them down....but no I just couldn't do it.

Well Mother Nature took it upon herself to tell me