So I’ve decided that Friday will now be known as “Finish it up Friday”. Anyone that knows me knows I will procrastinate about everything!! So I need deadlines for everything!! With this in mind I thought I’d make my deadline Friday of each week where I must show you mine…something I’ve finished. Now don’t get all crazy on me, they may only be the tops that are done but hey it’s something…right?! And if you’re so inclined you could show me yours.
So this is what I started with and I thought they were quite lovely.
Following the pattern I cut them into BIG squares and put them up on my “design” wall (aka flannel backed vinyl tablecloth)… well, not all that exciting is it.
OK now cut those squares into more squares and sew them into four patches…yup, still not excited.
Then take your handy dandy template and cut these four patches according to directions…well maybe it’s growing on me.
Being very careful not to screw mess up your design, sew the four patches together in diagonal rows…I see possibilities ahead.
Until it looks like this…perhaps when the border is on I’ll really like it.
Again following the directions baste and square the edges…it sure has changed in size.
Add borders according to pattern…NOW THIS I LOVE!! Japanese Jigsaw pattern by Brookshier Designs…very nice indeed.
So if you follow us on Facebook you can scoot on over there and show me yours!
Hmmmm what will I finish for next week??