Friday, July 29, 2011

I think this should count…

…as a Finish it up Friday!  Yesterday I picked up this wonderful charm pack that I’d decided to make placemats from.  The pattern is in Fast and Furious Holiday by G.E. Designs.  OK, so I needed 38 charms and the pack came with 40…but you know how some just don’t “talk” to you…well I had to pull out 6.

this sorting is hard work

Next step, find 4 more that would play nicely from my “beside the cutting table stash”.  This is where all the bits of leftovers go after I’ve finished a project and before they make it to the cubbies in the closet.  Without any trouble I found 3 right off the top…and then

one pile down...

I started digging (please note that there was a very large pile to the left and much more on top) and separating.

I need a bigger ironing board!

Still looking for just the right final 5” square!!

ready for more fabric!

Well, since I started this I might as well finish all the piles…it was falling over anyway!  All nicely separated piles by color or type…ready for the cubbies!

good job

So there we were…Rosebud and me…finally found just the perfect square.

Tuckered out Bud!

Are you wondering where this is going or how it should qualify as my Finish it up Friday project?  Well, these piles didn’t make it to the closet until today!  So now I can “Start over Saturday” with those perfectly coordinated charm squares!!  Maybe the placemats will be ready for next week.


Judy said...

Organizing fabric is a very good thing! With most of us, it's an ongoing challenge. I think it should count as a Finish it Friday!
I'm looking forward to seeing the placemats....maybe next week.

Southampton Quilts said...

Thank you Judy for your support!! I plan on showing the placemats next week but you never know what might pop up in the mean time.

Barbara said...

Like that charm pack and lovin' your helper, Rosebud.

Southampton Quilts said...

Rosebud works very hard at keeping that corner of my cutting table organized!
If you like that charm pack wait until you see the placemats...