Monday, July 16, 2012

My summertime challenge blocks….

almost up to date!!  According to my calendar I should have 26 blocks done as of today.  I have 21 done and 5 almost completed…so I figure by midnight tonight they will be done.  It’s funny though each day that I thought I was caught up and would take a picture to share…poof it was another day and there I was one behind.  So last week I was going to be so smart and get ahead by 4 days and…poof I was behind by 3 days.  So, before it’s tomorrow and I’m behind again here is a shot of the finished blocks on the wall:


And now a shot of the 5 “almost done” blocks attached to my machine next to the bowl that is my inspiration for the block colors!


I just love this little bowl that Beth gave me…I didn’t want to put anything in it because then you wouldn’t see the pretty design.  I couldn’t just leave it out on the table unprotected from cat paws!!  So I have it under the acrylic extension table where I can admire it…and pick out just the right colors for my blocks!!

By August 31 I should have 73 blocks…I better get going!

I hope you’re enjoying your summer and having fun with blocks…

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summertime quilt block challenge…part 1

I sent out an email not too long ago showing this summers quilt block challenge.  Since summer officially began yesterday I should have two blocks done and I DO!  Of course the summer is still young and anything can happen.  I’ve decided to keep you updated on my progress here rather than continually send emails.  If you’d like to check in on how I’m doing visit back from time to time and please let me know how you’re doing as well.

I decided to make my blocks using the 1 1/2” finished Half Square Triangle paper (same folks that make the paper we are using for the HST exchange).  So for those that need visuals I’ve taken my block in steps for you.


I’m using three fabrics per block:  background, fabric A and fabric B (each block will be different).  You will need 4 Half Square Triangles each of background/fabric a, background/fabric b and fabric a/fabric b.  You will also need 4 squares of background fabric…in my case 2”.  So I took the HST paper and cut it into segments each will give me the 4 I need.


Following the instructions I stitched on the dashed lines and cut apart on the solid lines. 


So now I have all my pieces and parts for one block.


Here’s my finished block…start to finish about 40 minutes.

Until next time…happy summer!