Friday, May 13, 2011

It’s Friday….

and I’ve “finished up” another project!!!  This one I started on our Getaway Weekend in February and there it sat in it’s cute little bag.


Then last week (late) I decided to free it from its paper home and see exactly how far I had gotten on it.  Well not so bad…I had pieces and parts and strips (oh my!).  So with today in mind (gotta love deadlines) I attacked it with a vengeance determined to show you all that I can finish things up…if I put my mind and machine to it!


Yesterday I was moving along quite well, but there were two strips that just didn’t work (too light).  Now this quilt is done in batiks and I LOVE BATIKS so off to my stash I went to pull out two fabrics that I could substitute.  You would think that wouldn’t be a problem since I LOVE BATIKS…wrong!  Apparently I love them so much I actually use most of them up or simply have the wrong color for this quilt.  Well, after much auditioning I found two that would do.


So here it is…my “Finish it up Friday” project, Strip Tease by G.E. Designs!  Now my question to you is…should I add a border to it?  I’m going to leave it up to all of you to decide…majority rules!!


Barbara said...

Definitely. A narrow border in a dark color and then a wider, complimentary one.

Judy said...

Very nice! I vote for a border...or two.

Unknown said...

I concur -- definitely a border.